Tuesday, July 16, 2013

summer is well underway

Time for a quick monthly update....

 The ewes have all now been dried up and the lambs weaned. All the ewe lambs have left for their new homes and some additional ewe lambs have joined us from Malt Kiln and Blackwell flocks. We have also purchased a ram lamb and a Coloured Shearling ewe from the Montgomery flock. Two other coloured ewes will be coming to us from Brecon. The ewe lambs will over winter with us and join the breeding flock next autumn with the shearling going to the ram for the first time this year. Hopefully the ram lamb will be mature enough to cover a couple of ewes also. Our Coloured ram is related to our new girls so they will be served by a ram in the Montgomery flock. No need to worry though our stock ram will have plenty of girls to keep him occupied as some of our old stock are coming back in the autumn to be tupped. Of course there will also be the Ludlow Show and Sale to attend in August; I'm sure a few ewes will end up being purchased there too!
A malt Kiln ewe lamb we have purchased

one of the Blackwell ewe lambs who has joined us


We attended a sheep skills workshop last week and had a thoroughly enjoyable day. The course was fantastically delivered by Shropshire Farm vets and allowed us to look at maximising lambing rates and reducing worm burdens within the flocks. Now all we need to do is put it all into practice!

We are just about to start training our sheep who we are taking to our local show on the 17th August. Luckily some of ours have been shown before so are very happy with the halters. The lambs on the other hand may take some persuading. Will post some photos in our next update